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.NET Docker Image CI Docker hub

This demonic creation project should help users of azure boards to automatically move a Work Item parent or childrens to a particular state based on the Work Item state updates. It can also automatically put work items under a certain area path on the work item creation.

State rules

Each rule can be customized and consists of the following variables (when updating a parent):

"Type": "Task",
"Rules": [
"IfState": "In Progress",
"NotParentStates": [
"SetParentStateTo": "Committed",
"All": false

The above rule is triggered each time a Task moves from any state to In Progress (IfState), the rule also checks that the parent state is not Done or Removed (NotParentState) and if that's the case it modifies the parent state to Committed (SetParentStateTo). For this rule to work it is not necessary that all childrens are In Progress (All)

Or the following ones (when updating the childrens)

"Type": "Product Backlog Item", // When a PBI changes
"Rules": [
"IfState": "Done", // If the PBI state is "Done",
"SetChildrenStateTo": "Done" // Set all childrens (Tasks) to "Done"

The above rule is triggered each time a Product Backlog Item moves from any state to Done (IfState), and it modifies the childrens state to Done (SetChildrenStateTo).

Area rules

Each rule can be customized and consists of the following variables:

"AreaRules": [
"Type": ["Custom Task", "Custom Bug"], // When a custom task or a custom bug is created
"Rule": {
"SetAreaPathTo":"lorenzoscebba\\Area2" // Set its area path to lorenzoscebba\Area2

The above rule is triggered each time a Custom Task or a Custom Bug is created. It then automatically assign that work item to the area path lorenzoscebba\Area2.